Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Twlight Craze

If you have not heard of the books or of the first film in the series. A second film in the Twlight Saga has come out. Oh boy more senseless screaming of girls 12-18. More Access Hollywood to give us the 'in-depth look'. More merchandising on Team Jacob or Team Edward. I find this all sickening not because I feel this is something new or wrong. I guess with you make a buck of this crazy train then to each their own and yes you might relate this to other film crazes like Harry Potter and Star Wars but before you use that avenue to defend the almost insane reaction to this film. Indeed let me shed some light on it.

I am not at all saying that the books are not good. Nor I am saying that there is nothing of worth in them. What I am saying is that whatever was good in those books is completely gone. Destroyed with the over agonizing celebrity worship of the actors in the film particulary that of Edward. Which from a close friend of mind is not even like the character in the book. That kind of blind allegiance to character or actor based his looks and what seems to be a good person is indeed nothing found the films aboved mentioned. Yet, while I must be honest that brother did make good points of the old fashion qualities of the character that is completely being overshadow with this senseless idol worship from the film. Don't confuse me I am not saying that this should be banned or that you should not watch. However what I am saying is that if you are going to compare these movies to Lord of the Rings or Star Wars you are indeed making a grosse mistake. They are nothing alike except for which there is a huge fan base. I am also not saying that there are not legitment fans but the majority of all this is still based on false pretense of what the story is about.

Why I like LOTR is nothing close to why a 17 year old girl likes Twlight. I am only putting this out there because indeed I am not going to allow this reason to justifly this craze and that is what it is. I am sure the books are nothing like movie except in a few spots. However she has supported this film its decisions even its reach into my Burger King meal. If she really felt it was 'corrupting' her story I am sure she would have said something but it would not be because of the ridiculas amount of money she is getting.

If you are still convinced that this is like Lord of the Rings let me educate you. It took almost fifteen years for Tolkien to write his masterpiece. It also took a little over twenty years for any kind of media to be produce. It was indeed almost fifty years befor the entire story could even be put in the film. It seems like it was the next day after they bought the books that Summit started making the film. Not saying that in itself is bad just that there is a huge difference between Twlight and LOTR and that is not a good difference.

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